Category: Policing Page 1 of 2

Cities Can Expect the 2020’s Violent Crime Spike to Continue

Harvey’s Introduction

You may have read articles that the increase in crime rates over the last year represent a spike and not a trend. Rafael A. Manguel, director of legal policy at the Manhattan Institute, argues effectively that this thinking is whistling in the dark and the increase is here to stay unless policies governing policing and incarceration change. Its a scary prognosis, but unfortunately is probably right.

Why Maxine Waters Wanted a Mistrial for Derek Chauvin

Harvey’s Introduction

I don’t know what Maxine Waters was thinking when she attempted to intimidate the jury in Minneapolis at the Dennis Chauvin trial or if she was simply bored and wanted to appear on TV, but she certainly helped the defense in its argument for a mistrial. If its granted, you can guess that we will see an outbreak of violence across the country, with the attendant rioting and looting. If he is not granted a retrial, you can be sure BLM will take it as a clear signal that jury intimidation is alive and well. To me BLM and its supporters are the mirror image of the KKK and their intimidation tactics.

What the Media Didn’t Tell You about the Chauvin Case

Harvey’s Introduction

Dennis Chauvin was convicted of murder by the system but the jury and the world also convicted him as a racist, although there was no evidence of that alleged or presented at his trial. You would not realize that until you noticed that race mongers in the White House, the Congress and the progressive press simply wanted to reinforce their narrative of institutional racism throughout the justice system. Evidence is not needed if the criminal is black and the policeman is white. Andrew McCarthy does an excellent job explaining this as always in his essays.

Chauvin is on trial, not America. We already know what this country is guilty of

Harvey’s Introduction

Leonard Pitt’s article on the Derek Chauvin case and my response.

Powerful Evidence That George Floyd Resisted Arrest

Harvey’s Introduction

McCarthy gives a thorough analysis of the Derek Chauvin case in the death of George Floyd – whether or not he was resisting arrest while under the influence of drugs. This gets to the issue of whether or not excessive force was used

Media Role In creating Hostility Toward Police

Harvey’s Introduction

The media continually turns any shooting of a black man (of which there are very few) into an example of racism. It almost never turns out to be the case, but the public never hears that.

Anarchy in New York

Harvey’s Introduction

In an attempt to make policing more sensitive, cities around the country are reducing the size of police forces, limiting the tools used to respond to crimes, reducing the number of now illegal acts to be considered illegal, prosecutors are deciding not to prosecute whole classes of crimes, reducing bail requirements and releasing criminals early. The result is that our major cities are becoming increasing unlivable. In this essay, Seth Barron, the editor of City Journal describes what is happening in New York City.

Deescalation and its Discontents

Harvey’s Introduction

This article discusses at length the issues involved in the deescalation campaign – in which police are to be trained in techniques to deescalate situations involving mentally ill people. The objective is to reduce the number of those ill people having interactions with police in which they are killed. The intent is good, but the implementation of such a policy is hideously expensive and unlikely to actually work, in large part because there are so few instances where police actually kill a mentally ill person. Unfortunately, there are too many mentallly ill people who commit crimes and are a danger to themselves and to others. It’s hard to see how any amount of police training would have a significant effect on what is more a mentally ill problem than it is a policing problem. Eide does a very good job discussing this very complex issue.

Ending The BLM Movement

Harvey’s Introduction

This is an excellent article on BLM, its beliefs, its narratives, its lies. It lays out what we should do to counter this invidious organization and the movement it spawned. I was not familiar with Peterson’s work but was referred to it by Heather Mac Donald. Now that I’ve read this essay I will subscribe to the American Mind, a Claremont College magazine he is Editor. He publishes links to several other papers that deal with aspects of this issue. I urge you to click on them to get a better understanding of this organization and the movement it spawned.

Blue Truth Matters

Harvey’s Introduction

This essay by Heather is a response to another article, which I’ll post, on dealing with the BLM organization and movement. (The other article is by Matthew Peterson, titled Ending the BLM movement). Heather deals with refuting false narratives with facts, particularly the narrative that police target and discriminate against black people. She has written extensively on issues relating to race and policing. A wonderful scholar. You can google her or the Manhattan Institute and read her other work.

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